Our new publication ‘FoISA @ 15 Celebrating and Learning from Case Decisions‘ is a tribute to those who have pursued FoI requests over the last 15 years. The small sample is designed to explain how easy and how complicated the process can be and what has changed for all of us as a result of people exercising the ‘right to know’.
This report sets out how the Freedom of Information (Scotland) Act 2002 (FoISA), which came into force on 1st January 2005, should be reformed in 2020.
The Campaign for Freedom of Information in Scotland (CFoIS) has prepared this submission to inform the deliberations of the UN Human Rights Committee (HRCtte) on the ‘List of issues prior to reporting’ (LOIPR) for the United Kingdom on 8th March 2020 at its 128th session. The CFoIS submission focuses on Article 19 (2) of the ICCPR as access to information enables people, journalists, Bloggers, civil society and NGOs to be better informed as a right and as a defence to ‘fake news’. CFoIS believes that accessing information is a gateway to all our rights.